Пиво, сырьё и оборудование для пивоварения; оборудование для обработки сырья; методы транспортировки сырья и пива. Mини-пивзаводы. Упаковка, тара и этикетки. Безалкогольные напитки: сырьё, технологии и оборудование для производства безалкогольных напитков. Международный конкурс пива и безалкогольных напитков. Специальная экспозиция «Пивная мебель» - мебельное оснащение пивных ресторанов, баров и пабов: деревянная, складная, на металлокаркасе и кованая мебель, мебель для кейтеринга и банкетных залов, мебель «под старину», барные стойки. Мебель для летних и уличных кафе.



Fast and accurate analyses by Anton Paar Alcolyzer, the official equipment for the beer contest at Beer 2004.

For the first time in the history of the famous beer contest in Sochi this year beer analyses will be added to the comments of the comitee. These analyses (alcohol content, original extract and related values) will be performed with an Anton Paar Alcolyzer system. This instrument is a state of the art equipment offering the fastest and most accurate analyses available anywhere. Due to this fact it has become the standard equipment for many breweries since it hit the market three years ago.

About Anton Paar GmbH

Was established in 1922 as one-man locksmitn"s workshop. Today, over 530 employees develop, produce and distribute high-quality measuring instruments for the determination of properties such as density, temperature and viscosity.

In the field of beverage analyses Anton Paar instruments are widely known and approved all over the world.

The Alcolyzer - Anton Paar Product

The Alcolyzer measures the alcohol content of beer, wine, sparkling wine, cider and rice wine. It offers simple calibration and operation, high accuracy and fast results. The new patented method of using NIR (near infra-red) spectroscopy to determine alcohol content avoids the shortcomings of present NIR based systems and guarantees unique operating benefits such as: fast and highly accurate results in an alcohol range of 0 to 20% vol/vol with an error of less than 0,1 vol/vol at the 95% confidence level.

No sample preparation _ other than degassing samples with a strong tendency to from bubbles or filtering very turbid samples _ is necessary. In addition, the Alcolyzer can either be field by syringe, peristaltic pump or automatic sample changer. The measurement is carried out

in approximately one minute, whereby most of this time is required for sample filling and attemperating.

Extensive investigations have shown that the alcohol results based on this type of evaluation are virtually free of influences from other known wine constituents. This allows calibrations to be done simply with water for the zero point and a binary ethanol/water mixture for slope adjustment.

Combined with an Anton Paar Density Meter, the Alcolyzer can also display alcohol % weight per weight, density, specific gravity and total extract.

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19-24 мая 2004
Тринадцатая международная выставка-ярмарка
«Пиво - 2004»

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Часы работы: c 10:00 до 18:00

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